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The Full Story
The Arthur Krempin School of Music & Art began with questions that led to a generous vision.
What if a school was created to help young people experience life's intended goodness through music and art?
What if this school gave opportunities to those who may not otherwise have them?
Today, we're doing just that -- and more.
This vision was first shared by Roberta Roloff, a daughter of
the late Arthur Krempin, and J. Chris Quello, a former pastor of
First English Lutheran Church (FELC) in Appleton. Embracing its
potential for our Fox Cities community, FELC officially founded
and celebrated The School in 2003. Founding members of its
board included Pat Boldt, Chris Quello, J Kevin Roloff, Amelia
(Milly) Rugland and Jon Stellmacher.
Located at FELC's Downtown Site, The School is named in memory of a Lutheran pastor, loving father and gifted self-taught musician. All people are warmly invited to participate regardless of their faith affiliation, background or means.
Today, The Arthur Krempin School of Music & Art is guided by its board of directors, composed of members from the congregation and the Fox Cities community -- Austin Boncher, Allen (AJ) Frea, Erich Knapp, Brenda Smongeski and Renee Ulman -- and led by Dayton Henderson.
The School remains a nonprofit extension of FELC. Being independent of the congregation's finances, The School's mission and programs are sustained entirely by dedicated volunteers and generous donations from those who value its mission, programs and impact. Your support -- whether in dollars or hours -- allows others in our community to more fully experience and share life's goodness through music and art.